"...An adventure isn't just exploring the world, it's finding your true self and living your dreams.."

Sunday, 29 May 2011

French Reviera!

Man I can see why movie stars come here a lot! This place is absolutley amazing! The beaches are so magical and so relaxing! Today we got another free day to go exploring! Jasmine, Alex, Pru, Cody and I went to Nice. (Pronounced 'neese' not 'nice') It is one of my favourite places so far!
We went to the beach and believe it or not, there is no sand! Only pebble rocks. This makes the ocean so blue! It's beautiful. I may also mention, some people may have 'forgotten' or 'lost' there clothes on the beach... It was crazy how people feel that comfortable to just lie in public naked! I of course would NEVER do it! hehe!
We then went had and had a really nice lunch. After that we walked up this chateau that has a really nice view of the town. We then went and go some yum as ice cream and laid back on the beach again! (not topless) This place is amazing. I so want to come back here again!! :)

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